Tuesday, March 30, 2010

God is pro-life? Really?

Seriously, God hates abortion and the abortion providers are all heinous murderers and it's just one mind-numbing holocaust? A simple Google search will tell you that annually there are 40+ million induced abortions performed worldwide.

40+ million.

Every single year.

(And that's separate from all the non-induced abortions, the miscarriages and whatnot. I haven't even checked on those stats. I'm guessing it's not quite as high, but maybe it is, who knows? Either way, there's a lot of those too, but since God is in charge of those deaths, it's deemed ok. He's in control.)

And if you're an all-powerful creator of the universe who loves each and every soul, every single one, and are heinously grieved at all the bloodshed, what do you do to stop this holocaust? Simple- nothing. Not a goddamned thing. It's kind of easy to understand how some nutcases out there reach for the gun and take matters into their own hands- I mean, somebody's got to do something, right? God hates the baby-killers, but he's not going to strike them down with lightning or cause them to have a heart attack, but they must be stopped so send in the crazies with guns! I guess that's how he works though, right? Through his people? He doesn't speak directly- he speaks through his people. He sends prophets and leaders and preachers. He doesn't sit down at his desk in a cottage by the Dead Sea, pen in hand, and write the Bible himself, he tells other people what to say and they write it for him!

I guess what I'm trying to say is this: I'm told that abortion is pure evil and an abomination and that God hates it and it must be stopped. Yet, worldwide there are more than FORTY MILLION performed every single year (don't forget the miscarriages!) and he himself does nothing about it. So what sort of conclusions should I draw from this? Here's what I come up with:

A. God actually likes abortions and doesn't want them to be stopped.

B. He doesn't give a shit either way. Let the humans figure out what to do about it on their own.

C. He hates abortion and wants it stopped, but for whatever reason can't intervene. That's not to say that he's not omnipotent, but maybe he just designed things to work that way. A hands-off approach, or something.

D. He hates it and wants it stopped and can intervene, but chooses not to. You know, for his own secret reasons. He seems to do that a lot anyway, so why not? (Or maybe he is intervening, through his organizations like the National Right To Life Committee and Operation Rescue (but not the crazies with guns. Or maybe with them, depending on who you ask) but it appears that they're not doing a good enough job. Maybe got to crack the whip a little bit harder, things are getting urgent here.

E. There is no God.

Those are the options that I come up with. There could be more, depending on how you look at things, but whatever. I'm going with those. And, because I'm a God-hating-Evil-Atheist-who-just-wants-to-have-lots-of-sex-with-random-strangers-both-before-and-after-I-get-married-and-who-doesn't-want-to-answer-to-a-Greater-Authority-than-myself- (except the police, maybe) -etc.-etc.-etc...

I choose E.