Rachel Held Evans takes heat for being true to her convictions.
"It seems that Al Mohler is fine with Christians loving God with their minds so long as they reach the same conclusions that he has."
He's not the only one, of course. But Rachel's on the right side of history here. Al, and all the others like him are, thankfully, a dying breed. Of course, there'll always be literalists and fundamentalists who hold only to a very strict interpretation of the first two books of the bible, but their numbers are dwindling. The internet, with all its information (and misinformation) continues to grow exponentially, and with it, people like Rachel who prefer to think for themselves and not just accept everything their church tells them, have not only easy access to much more knowledge and research and facts than ever before, but also access to other like-minded people. That's huge. Besides just being a support in general, when you're wrestling with heavy questions about your faith and how to reconcile it with scientific fact, it helps tremendously to know that you're far from alone.